HSE Policy
iTech Group is committed to zero loss and sustainable behavior in all business activities, providing a healthy and safe workplace for all employees, contractors and visitors to the company. We work with our employees to always take care of their health and safety. To achieve a high level of labor protection and safety, the company ensures the fulfillment of all its obligations and actively implements the following principles:

ensuring health and safety is the first issue after corporate governance issues on the agenda of each meeting of the company's Board of directors;
all decisions take into account health and safety issues;
employees at all levels are provided with the necessary resources and equipment to perform their duties in an environment that meets health and safety policies;
• ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations in the field of occupational safety;
application of health and safety risk management approach when working with contractors;
maintaining emergency, fire protection systems and means, as well as safety equipment in proper condition to protect people, the environment and property.

Workplace health and safety will remain our top priority, and we create conditions for all employees, managers, supervisors and contractors to take an active part in this process.
+994 12 3101414
+994 51 2060960
Baku, Azerbaijan
Azadlig ave., 192E

Photo and video materials belong to iTech Group.

iTech Group 2024