About us
iTech Group is a leading integration company specializing in information technologies in Azerbaijan. We develop the industry by being one of the most innovative and open providers of integrated solutions on the market. Our purpose is to provide a flow of information for people who collaborate both within and between organizations, sharing opportunities with each other and empowering them. We believe in creative people who contribute using their best skills to find the best solutions. We also see teamwork as a key element of development, because the most innovative solutions come from shared knowledge and collective effort. Our customers are our number one priority for products, services and support. Therefore, we have been seeing high value for customer loyalty for more than 24 years consistently.

ITech Group's portfolio of services and products contributes to the creation of a fully integrated business. We understand how important your project is to your business, and we work closely with you at all stages of designing and creating unique solutions, understanding the requirements. iTech Group can provide the right solution to help your business increase competitive advantage, raise profitability and achieve greater flexibility. We enjoy learning about every new customer's business and are happy to use our technical capabilities to shape the best possible solution for each project. We understand that creating personalized solutions requires close working relationships with our customers at all organizational levels, and it is traditional for our customers to see iTech Group as an important part of their team. We also offer constant support and service to ensure the continuity of your business.

At the iTech Group, we deliver innovations in Azerbaijan, such as services to government agencies, enterprises and infrastructure providers, telecommunications, oil and gas and law enforcement agencies, financial institutions, construction and transport sectors. Our mission is to challenge and develop the integration industry by becoming one of the most innovative and open service providers on the market. To do this, we offer the widest range of services, hardware and solutions.

iTech Professional construction has specialized in specific areas in many complex and large-scale innovative projects over the years. He performed design and solutions, project management services, and engineering works in construction projects integrated with information technologies. Today, iTECH Professional Construction Company takes the role of the main contractor in small, medium and large construction projects and provides specialist support services in addition to industrial and commercial construction. In addition to our clients, we also provide preparation of tender documents, design and engineering solutions.
iTech Group
Tech Professional Construction Company is to provide our clients with a ``Trust'' experience when we are selected to execute their projects. Our emphasis on project initiation and follow-up procedures ensures that client requirements are prioritized in the planning and execution of all our processes.
The infrastructure of "Smart City" is built on the basis of high technologies. Here, energy resources are used more efficiently, the negative impact of processes on the environment and human health is minimized. The Smart City has "smart" utility networks, as well as "smart transportation systems" and even "smart homes."
The "Smart Village" project is one of the main priorities of sustainable development in increasing the quality, safety, and efficiency of services provided in the cities and villages of Azerbaijan, applying information technologies in their provision, as well as ensuring the effective use and management of existing resources for those services.
System integration is the cornerstone of digital transformation in organizations. This is the process of combining different systems for functional interaction as a whole. Today, reliable integration solutions have become a reality.
Over the years, we continue to provide call center solutions to various companies. We develop comprehensive solutions for organizations that use the most effective modern technologies and the best training practices.
The modern business owner faces security threats at every step. Physical threats can be ignored as many companies focus on preventing cyber threats. Any disruption, large or small, affects your business; from financial losses to reputation damage and making your employees feel insecure in the office.
The development of automation and industrial control systems, as well as the use of cloud systems have made cybersecurity a decisive factor. The development of technology allows the introduction of more and more advanced systems and services...
With the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic affecting most economies, words like social distancing, work from home, virtual activities, and isolation have become commonplace. In this unprecedented time ...
An event of any scale requires careful planning and preparation. iTech Group works closely with customers to understand your expectations regarding the development and production of full-service events.
Interactive voice announcement systems have become more widespread in all industries. With this technology, today it is very easy to send instant public announcements or alerts in business and shopping centers...
Uninterruptible power supplies provide reliable power and protection for all power systems. They keep you safe against data loss or other disruptions of critically important systems.
Big data-generating trends such as the Industry 4.0, the Internet of things, and 5G are driving the demand for more data centers. With growing concerns about climate change, major efforts have also been made to design energy-efficient data centers.
Any business needs a safe, reliable and scalable IT infrastructure to achieve its goals and develop further. Technology can move your business forward with flexibility, mobility, efficiency and security.
Large amounts of data, constantly changing traffic patterns and the need to rapidly develop and release new programs require the latest generation of flexible data networks.
Are you constantly faced with technical support problems for your IT infrastructure? Such support should be provided by a professional team specializing in this area.
+994 12 3101414
+994 51 2060960
Baku, Azerbaijan
Azadlig ave., 192E

Photo and video materials belong to iTech Group.

iTech Group 2023